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WOD – Tue, Jan 21


2 on and 2 off for today’s mixed modal conditioning will act as a unique challenge. The goal is to really push the speed and accuracy of the first 2 movements to give yourself more time on the rower to accumulate more work/cals! Your score today is your overall calories summed up for the total of 8 rounds. You should scale the work so you have :45 or more to row each round.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 jump rope practice (any variations)

3:00 Row (building intensity through time)


3 inch worm

6 scorpion (3 each side)

8 Ground to overhead with light plate

3 rounds


3 DB Deadlift each arm (between legs)

3 DB Deadlift + high pull each arm

3 DB muscle snatch each arm

3 DB power snatch each arm

2 sets (second heavier than first)

Conditioning (Calories)


2:00 on/ 2:00 off x 8 rounds

12 alternating DB snatch (50/35lb.)

36 double unders

Max cal row


2:00 on/ 2:00 off x 8 rounds

12 alternating DB snatch (35/20lb.)

20 double unders or 48 single unders

Max cal row


2:00 on/ 2:00 off x 8 rounds

12 alternating DB snatch (15/10lb.)

20 plat hops or single unders

Max cal row

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Standing landmine rotation

3×24 total reps (12 each side)