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WOD – Tue, Oct 22


Today we train power! The power clean is to be trained today–not just tested. That means you should start at a load that requires focus and get to the point where all of your sets are challenging to complete as we hit set number 3/7. The conditioning is a play on our traditional 21-15-9 rep scheme but in reverse, as it adds a touch more consideration in approach and variation in the adaptation to the stimulus. Select a weight for power cleans that allows you to do 7-9 reps unbroken if you were asked to; anything that can’t be done in that range is too heavy. Be sure to recognize we are doing knees to elbows, not knees to armpits. This movement is not “easy” and is far from a scale for toes to bar and in fact it is harder for most people than the latter.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row


15 Jumping jack

3 Inch worm

6 Hip down push up

8 Lateral lunge

10 Kip swings

3 rounds


*with empty bar

3 Deadlift

3 Clean pull

3 Muscle clean

3 Power Clean

Strength (Weight)

Every 1:30 for 7 sets execute 2 single power cleans.


*Today the goal here is to start around 75% 1rm power clean and get as heavy as possible.

Workout (Time)



Power Clean (155/105lb.)

Bar facing burpee

Knees to elbows



Power Clean (95/65lb.)

Bar facing burpee

Hanging leg raise (use kip action if possible)



Power Clean (35/15lb.)

Bar facing burpee

Lying leg raise

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Wall sit

3x :30 (use an external load if possible, goblet style DB or KB)

*This type of isometric contraction under load is great for patella tendon and quad tendon health!*

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