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WOD – Tue, Oct 15


Today we play with a movement we don’t practice for max distance too often, a broad jump! We will get warm and then go for a personal best and see how far we can jump forward and still land with control. After we do that, we apply some high intensity bike, press, jump based intervals. The limiting factor for most of these will be managing the build up of lactate that begins in the legs on the bike, transitions to the arms on the push up and is felt then everywhere on the burpee broad jump! Really attack each interval and trust your ability to recover through what should seem like a long rest, at least to start.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


20/15 cal Bike or row


5 Scap push up

5 Scap pull up

5 Banded or PVC pass through

3-5 Push up

3 rounds


10 Toe walking steps

10 Heel walking steps

10 Toe to heel walking steps

20 Po-go jumps

10 Pogo jumps left leg

10 Pogo jumps right leg

1 round

Skill/Strength (Distance)

Find max broad jump!

Using one or several tape measures, stand a single athlete directly beside the tape measure and see how far they can jump. Mark where the athlete’s heels land (furthest back foot). Athletes are required to land with control. Allow class/athletes to make 3-4 attempts after warm up.

Workout (Time)


20/15 Cal Bike

20 Push Up

50ft. Burpee Broad Jump

1:1 Work to rest

5 rounds for time.


20/15 Cal Bike

15 Push Up (kneeling)

50ft. Burpee Broad Jump

1:1 Work to rest

5 rounds for time.


10/7 Cal Bike

10 Push Up (kneeling or wall)

8 Burpee

1:1 Work to rest

5 rounds for time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10 seated off knee external rotation


3x 15 Banded face pull

Rest as needed.

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