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WOD – Tue, Oct 8


Today we get “pressy”. Today’s combo is a couplet that puts much emphasis on shoulder capacity, high end gymnastics strength and coordination. As per usual the heart rate will steadily rise each round specifically on the double unders or scaled version you choose. What is important is to properly pace the “buy in” today–it is a TRAP! People look at a distance like this and see it as an opportunity to buy themselves time for the workout to come, but that is not how this sport works. When an erg opens a workout like this, you will likely expend a costly amount of energy for only a fraction of time advantage in comparison. With these things considered, pace the row, don’t sluff the row but be smart, then give yourself a chance to go bigger on HSPU and smoother on dubs. The HSPU should be kept strict today, and ultimately not be scaled to abmats in order to shorten the range to train it. Remember you putting an abmat under your head simply so you can do the work is like scaling a squat in a workout by saying “Hey Coach, I’m only going to go down half way today!” instead of simply going lighter and getting stronger in the range we want/need to see gains in! So…..reduce the load by piking off a box and trust me, it can be just as bad if not worse and allow for faster gains.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 of single under variations with jump rope


:30 calf stretch each leg

:30 kneeling butt to heel stretch (toes pulled under heels)

:30 kneeling butt to heel stretch (toes pointed away from heels)

:30 each arm cross body shoulder stretch

Skill/Strength (Checkmark)

Inverted skills: Handstand hold/handstand walk development

  • Lunge to handstand practice
  • Press to handstand practice (jump to handstand variations as scale, feet elevated)
  • Handstand hold on wall (feet pulled away from wall as much or often as possible)
  • Free handstand hold practice (4×4 box)
  • Handstand shoulder tap (on wall)
  • Handstand shoulder tap (free)
  • Handstand Pirouette practice on wall
  • Handstand walk with Pirouette practice
Workout (Time)


(Buy in): 1k/800m Row


12 Strict HSPU

48 Double Under

4 rounds for time


(Buy in): 1k/800m Row


12 Strict HSPU (pike from box, or reduction in volume)

48 Double Under (48 lateral bar jump over or reduction in volume of doubles)

4 rounds for time


(Buy in): 500/400m Row


12 Strict Pike push (hips high) or Seated DB Strict press

28 Single unders or jump to plate

4 rounds for time

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Banded hollow hold pull over (Banded Hollow Hold Pullover)

3×15-25 reps

Rest as needed between sets.

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