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WOD – Mon, Oct 7


Today we kick off the week with a high skill triplet! The strength block prior to conditioning is simply a means to practice the squat snatch and get primed beyond what you choose for the conditioning to follow. The proper scaling today is all about a weight that allows for singles on the squat snatch that can be done in BELOW :30 consistently. The load can cause some doubt or struggle in reps but that shouldn’t really be a concern until we enter the latter 2 or 3 rounds.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

KB Warm Up (using a light KB)

5 Deadlift

5 Russian Swing

5 single arm clean and press each side

5 single arm KB hang snatch each side

3 rounds


5 Kipping swing (hanging from rig) (lift knees on second round)

3 Snatch grip deadlift

3 Snatch grip deadlift + shrug

3 Muscle snatch

3 Overhead squat

2 rounds


2×3 Squat snatch (empty bar)

Strength (Weight)

10:00 allocated to simply building to a primer squat snatch.

This time is less focused on the development of strength and more on the preparation for the work to come in the conditioning today. Athletes should aim to build beyond their load of choice for the workout.

Workout (Time)


3 Squat snatch (185/125lb.)

9 Wallball (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

12 Toes to bar

6 rounds for time


3 Squat snatch (115/85lb.)

9 Wallball (14/10lb.) (10/9ft.)

12 Hanging leg raise (or reduced volume of toes to bar)

6 rounds for time


3 Squat snatch (15lb./PVC Pipe)

9 Wallball (10/6lb.) (9/lower target ft.)

12 Lying leg raise

6 rounds for time

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x:10 each leg iso lunge


3×12 Banded face pull

Rest as needed between sets.

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