Today we have a “you go, I go” style workout that lasts a total of 20 rounds. The goal is to scale the loading and reps so each partner knows they can handle their rounds fast and full speed!
30 jumping jacks
10 push up
30 jumping jack
5 inch worm
30 jumping jack
20 KB deadlift
30 jumping jack
10 single arm Kb swing each arm
5 box jump
5 push up
5 KB swing
3 rounds
*building in load each round to workout weight.
20 rounds for time
7 AKBS (American Kettlebell Swing) (70/53lb.)
7 box jump (24/20’)
7 push up
*partner 1 completes a full round, then partner 2.
20 rounds for time
7 AKBS (53/35lb.)
7 box jump (20/14’)
7 push up (kneeling)
*partner 1 completes a full round, then partner 2.
16 rounds for time
7 AKBS (20/15lb.)
7 box jump (8/4’ plate)
7 push up (wall)
*partner 1 completes a full round, then partner 2.
3×10 Half kneeling land mine press
3×20 Alternating jack knife
Rest as needed.