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WOD – Tue, Oct 1


Today is all about the midline! Although the skill work may seem as though it is quite upper body dependent, which it is, it is most influenced by the stability and control around your midline. The muscles surrounding our spine allow you to brace and relax at just the right time and position to create the ability to hold your body upside down or even travel through space upside-down. Today’s conditioning is highly encouraged to be scaled to meet your fitness experience where it is at. Too many fast contractions of the abs can lead to high levels of soreness and even rhabdo. It is not bad at all to have sore abs, but ask coach for advice on how to properly scale this one to be able to still get after and do it well the rest of the week!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Row 20/15 cals

Bike 20/15 cals

Run 200m

1 round


10 Banded pass through

10 Hollow rock

10 Hip down push up

10 Plank shoulder tap

3 rounds for quality

Skill (Checkmark)

Inverted skills: Handstand hold/Handstand walk development

  • Lunge to handstand practice
  • Press to handstand practice (jump to handstand variations as scale, feet elevated)
  • Handstand hold on wall (feet pulled away from wall as much or often as possible)
  • Free handstand hold practice (4×4 box)
  • Handstand shoulder tap (on wall)
  • Handstand shoulder tap (free)
  • Handstand Pirouette practice on wall
  • Handstand walk with Pirouette practice
Workout (Time)


“Nothing to laugh about”

60/48 cal row or bike cals

30 toes to bar

60 abmat sit ups

45/35 cal row or bike

20 toes to bar

40 abmat sit ups

For time


“Nothing to laugh about”

60/48 cal row or bike cals

30 hanging leg raise

60 abmat sit ups

45/35 cal row or bike

20 hanging leg raise

40 abmat sit ups

For time


“Nothing to laugh about”

30/24 cal row or bike cals

20 Supine leg raise

30 abmat sit ups

15/12 cal row or bike

10 Supine leg raise

20 abmat sit ups

For time

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×20 alternating Superman (10 each)

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