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WOD – Fri, Sep 27


Today we hit some intervals like Monday but on the bike instead. Push the intervals today but do your best to “negative split” the 5 rounds. This means you should gain speed and reduce working time each time to get on the bike allowing for your final effort to be your best score. Then with some fatigue built in our legs we enter a strength squat gauntlet. Each style of squat will demand a lower load, but the goal is for each final set to be the heaviest with each style.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 Bike

:30 no push up burpee

4 rounds


1:00 couch stretch each leg

1:00 pigeon each leg


10 lateral lunge

10 Cossack slide

5 air squat

2 rounds


*empty barbell*

3 Thruster

3 Front Squat

3 Back Squat

2 sets

Workout (5 Rounds for reps)

RXconditioning + Intermediate/Baseline:

Echo or assault bike

24/21 cals

2:00 rest x 5

*scale to cals that push 1:00 or just over. Anything over 1:15, missed stimulus.

Rest/ reset 5:00 to begin squats.

Strength Ladder (Weight)

Every 2:00 x 12 (24:00)

Back squat


Front squat




Cool Down (Checkmark)

2:00 bottom of air squat (bottom out, relax in the bottom of full ROM)

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