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WOD – Tue, Sep 17


Today we practice our ring muscle ups skills! Can anyone get their first? After we hit some new body weight PR’s we will speed through a high skill, high load challenge that is all about speed. When looking at the 12 reps that make up each round, athletes should scale so that each round of work takes less than 1:00 or very close to it. It will seem easy for athletes early but into rounds 5-10 the real challenge starts. Scale volume of ring muscle ups before you scale the difficulty of them. The load of deadlifts can be challenging but should be a weight athletes can do unbroken.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 Bike or Row

10 Lateral bound (Link: How To Lateral Bound)

10 Spiderman with rotation to “up leg”

3 rounds


5 Single arm KB deadlift (light to moderate, each arm)

5 Table stretch (1 count hold each rep at top)

3 Ring row

3 Ring dip (scale to ability)

3 rounds



10 minute ring muscle up skills:

  • Ring support
  • Bottom ring dip support
  • Ring dip
  • Low kneeling RMU transition
  • Ring row muscle up
  • High ring practice

8 minute Deadlift Build

  • 3 Deadlift each set, up to workout weight.
Workout (Time)


3 Ring muscle up

6 Bar facing burpee

3 Deadlift (275/190lb.)

1:00 Rest

10 rounds for time.


3 Low ring muscle up

6 Bar facing burpee

3 Deadlift (225/155lb.)

1:00 Rest

10 rounds for time.


3 Low Ring row + 3 push up (scaled appropriately)

6 Bar facing burpee

3 Deadlift (95/65lb.)

1:00 Rest

8 rounds for time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 couch stretch each leg


1:00 pigeon each leg


:30 pec rig stretch each arm

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