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WOD – Sat, Sep 14


Partner workout, old school flavor. Today we see a simple couplet that allows for a potent stimulus. The teams of 2 can choose to break up the work however they decide. The rules apply that all thrusters must be done each round prior to any toes to bar being done. The load selected should be potentially done for 15 unbroken without slow contrived tempos if athletes were fresh. Let that description be the guide for load selection!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Medball warm up

10 jumping jack

10 Medball deadlift

10 jumping jack

10 medball front squat

10 jumping jack

10 medball squat clean

10 jumping jack

10 medball thruster

2 rounds for quality


3 Barbell front Squat

3 Barbell Push Press

3 Thruster

3 rounds building to workout weight.


5 Kip swings

5 kip swing + knee to chest

5 Toes to bar or hanging leg raise

3 rounds for refinement of toes to bar

Workout (Time)


42 Thrusters

42 Toes to bar

3 rounds for time.


16:00 Time cap


42 Thrusters

42 Hanging leg raise

3 rounds for time.



42 Thrusters

42 Hanging leg raise or Lying leg raise

3 rounds for time.


Cool Down (Checkmark)

2 x max effort chin over bar holds

Rest 3:00 between each.

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