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WOD – Fri, Sep 13


Today we visit a beneficial yet undervalued strength movement in the Turkish Get Up. Learn balance, stability and coordination that will carry into almost every other external loading we do. Find a challenge in proper positioning, not just the load you use, and focus on quality over quantity with these. Then conditioning wise we are trapped for 1:00 segments at each movement, the goal is to recognize there is no rest today so intensity must be tampered to the ability that you have to keep going at a steady rate. Even if you don’t have double unders today, in a workout like this it can be one of the most valuable places to stick with them and fight for attempts under fatigue during that 1 minute station.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 Row

1:00 shuttle run

3 rounds


3 inch worm

6 Spider-Man

8 sit up

3 rounds

Strength (Weight)

Every 3:00 execute 1 set

Turkish Get Up

5×8 (4 consecutive reps each arm)

Workout (AMRAP – Reps)


1:00 Row Cals

1:00 GHD Sit Up

1:00 Double Under

4 rounds for max reps


1:00 Row Cals

1:00 GHD Sit Up to parallel or abmat sit up

1:00 Double Under

4 rounds for max reps


1:00 Row Cals

1:00 Supported sit up (holding band)

1:00 Single Under

4 rounds for max reps

Cool Down

3×15 Banded face pull

Rest as needed between.

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