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WOD – Wed, Sep 11


Midweek pick me up? Maybe for some! Bench press is typically welcomed with open arms in our community so have at it today! Focus on working sets for all 4. Consider aiming for 2 RIR (reps in reserve) each set or approximately 72-75% 1rm if you know your 1rm for bench press. Strict pulling is huge today as well, if you don’t have them then use eccentrically focused reps where you take 4 seconds to go from the top down and kip up or jump up to the top of each rep. If strict is in your wheelhouse, then find a way to load the body for extra challenge. Today’s conditioning continues with the push/pull balance and we add in core! For 14:00 you should find yourself capable of a high heart rate and steady movement–scale the movements to meet that expectation. The pull ups are kipping or butterfly for RX in the conditioning portion.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

20 jumping jack

50ft forward bear crawl

20 jumping jack

50ft. backward bear crawl

2 rounds


:30 dead hang

:30 top of push up hold

1 round


10 banded pass through

5 scap push up

5 scap pull up

5 Hollow Rock

2 rounds


5 light bench press

3-5 strict pull up or easy variant of pull up

3 sets building to workout weight

Strength (4 Rounds for reps)

Bench press

Every 3:00 x 4 sets

Execute 6 bench press reps


4-6 strict pull up or weighted pull up

*Both movements must occur in the same 3:00 window.

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


7 Push Up (no quads ever touch floor)

7 Pull Up

14 V Up

14:00 AMRAP


7 Push Up (quads can touch)

7 Pull Up (banded)

14 V Up

14:00 AMRAP


5 Push Up (kneeling or wall push up)

5 Leg supported pull up

10 Beginner jack knife (

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x 10 each side

Seated DB external rotation off knee (Elbow on Knee Shoulder External Rotation)


3x :30 each arm shoulder internal rotation stretch (Side Lying Shoulder Internal Rotation Stretch)

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