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WOD – Wed, Aug 28


Today we start the warm up with focus on snatch quality. This week due to Monday’s strength work and today, we are getting more touches on the snatch than usual–and with good reason. The goal is to get exposure without actually doing “full snatches” to get improvements. We know the whole is greater than the sum of its parts when it comes to olympic lifting, but we certainly see the value in practicing positions and refining weak postures within each lift and can often lead to breakthrough. After we get through practice and hang pulls we get into a conditioning piece that presents more challenges than it shows on paper. It is simple but compounding in the means of leg fatigue. The double unders become quite challenging after shoulders and legs build fatigue and one of the big separators for many will be can you sustain a controlled yet uncomfortable pace on the rower to finish each round?

Warm Up (Checkmark)

100 jumping jack


PVC Snatch warm up/practice

3 Snatch grip deadlift

3 Snatch pull

3 Muscle snatch

3 Overhead squat

3 Squat snatch

2 rounds


*Empty bar and build*

3 Snatch grip deadlift

3 Snatch pull

4 building sets

Build load each set to get to working weight for strength work.

Strength (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 2:00 x 5 sets (10:00 minutes)

Above the knee hang snatch pull

5×6 at 85-95% 1rm.

*Positions matter here. Focus on passing through the power position each rep as you drive through the legs and shrug. While this puts an emphasis on Oly strength, it is certainly a movement that builds hypertrophy in the upper and mid back which is the base of power transfer and stability on all barbell lifts.

Workout (Time)


45 Wallball (20/14lb.)(10/9ft.)

90 Double Under

30/24 Cal Row

3 rounds for time

Time goals: 13-17 minutes


45 Wallball (14/10lb.)(10/9ft.)

60 Double Under or 90 single under

30/24 Cal Row

3 rounds for time

Time goals: 13-17 minutes


30 Wallball (10/6lb.)(Custom height) or Air Squat

45 Single Under or 30 plate hop

20/14 Cal Row

3 rounds for time

Time goals: 13-17 minutes

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x :30-1:00 lateral bridge each side

Rest as needed between sides