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WOD – Tue, Aug 27


Today we spend time with upper body strength and skill work in the form and focus of ring muscle ups! These are old school, false grip ring muscle ups done strict. The goal here is to spend time refining where your sticking point might be. Focus on mastery of the false grip first, learning how to orient your body in space and within the rings to have success and then increase the difficulty. As the group progresses to more advanced efforts feel free to spend time developing false grip strict ring pull ups. Today’s conditioning is a triplet that doesn’t involve much movement interference, which means smooth steady pacing early and throughout is expected. Be cautious of local muscle endurance limiting you on ring dips, and try to find a scaled version with less reps or reduction of body weight as loading to help you keep ring dips in 2 sets throughout the 15:00 challenge. The KB weight should be managed unbroken throughout.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

5 Row strokes arms only

5 Row strokes hips only

10 Full body row strokes

2 rounds each person, rotate with others


10 Ground to overhead with light plate

5 Hanging soap pull up

10 Hollow rock

5 Push up

5 Table bridge raise (

3 rounds

Strength/Skill (Checkmark)

(10-12 minute total)

3:00 Low ring transition skill/false grip practice

3:00 Higher ring position to put more effort in pulling strength/ring row muscle up

3:00 Strict ring muscle up practice/accumulation

For those who have the capacity to do strict, the goal is to accumulate 10-15 quality reps today!

Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


9 Ring Dip

12 V Up

15 American KB Swing (53/35lb.)

15:00 AMRAP

Stimulus: 6+ round goal


9 Banded Dip or Bench Dip

12 V Up

15 American KB Swing (35/20lb.)

15:00 AMRAP

Stimulus: 6+ round goal


9 Bench Dip (feet on ground)

12 Alternating V Up

15 KB Swing (15/10lb.)

:30 rest after each round

15:00 AMRAP

Stimulus: 5+ round goal

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×20 Banded face pull


3×20 Banded pull a part

Rest as needed between supersets