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WOD – Thu, Aug 22


Today we get after a longer output but in simpler terms. This event was all about getting your body from point A to point B and that is what we will do too! Without water to navigate we will row or ski to finish the test! Pacing is very important, one thing to focus on is running form. Reminder to everyone that stride frequency to stay high and cadence to stay short (shorter strides) will help reduce sore shins as well as prevent your posterior from fatiguing too fast. Today is a day you can really lean in to the intensity and hopefully feel good tomorrow to back in and get after it, no hanging, squatting, hinging or pressing just good old locomotion.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run easy


10 straight leg kicks

10 walking quad stretch

10 lateral lunge

5 inch worm


20 high knees

20 butt kicks

20 low skips

1 round


100m row or ski


100m run

X 3

*focus on how you will attack tempo and pace for the workout to come.

Workout (Time)


3.5 Mile Run

1500m Row


1200 Ski

For time.

40:00 time cap


3.0 Mile Run

1000m Row


750 Ski

For time.

40:00 Time cap


1 Mile Run

500m Row


300 Ski

For time.

40:00 Time cap

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×1:00 plank (add load to body weight if possible)

Rest as needed.