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WOD – Tue, Aug 20


Continuing our focus on Games week. Today we get to touch a place of stimulus that allows us to explore our limits. Go fast, take chances, have fun. How will you decide to attack “Fire Storm”?

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 Bike/ :30 rest

X 6 sets (building each set)


5 Banded pass through

5 Supine banded pass through (lying on belly)

5 Scap push up

5 Scap pull up

2 Rounds


3 Push up

3 No push up burpee

6 Walking lunge

5/3 Cal Bike or Row

4 Rounds for a building speed!

Strength (5 Rounds for reps)

Bench press

Every 3:00 x 5 sets

Execute 8 Bench press

(60%1rm or 2 RIR)

Fire Storm (Time)


3 Rounds:

15/11 Cal Echo Bike

11 Burpees over ballistic blocks or barbell


3 Rounds:

15/11 Cal Echo Bike

11 Burpees over ballistic blocks or barbell


3 Rounds:

15/11 Cal Echo Bike

11 Burpees over ballistic blocks or barbell

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×10 Single arm kneeling bent row


3x 10-15 evil wheel

Rest as needed between supersets