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WOD – Sat, Aug 17


Fun partner Saturday! No better way to finish the week! Today we will get into some odd carrying version of walk/run. The goblet carry will challenge the upper body and midline in a different way then a farmers carry or overhead carry would. Athletes should find a load that is hard and may even cause them to set it down and stop their forward progress a couple of times during each carry. Each athlete will do the carry together. As they enter the gym the team will then get to more goblet work, this time in the form of a squat, hand release push ups and sit ups. Then we finish with what we started with–again, each athlete does the carry.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Pick a teammate to “play with today!”


3 rounds of

1:00 Bike

1:00 Row


5 Air Squat

5 Scap push up

5 V Up

3:00 AMRAP for quality


4 Goblet Squat (lighter load than for workout)

4 Hand release push up

4 Sit Up

3 rounds for quality

Workout (Time)

RX Conditioning

400m Goblet Carry (70/53lb.)


8 Goblet Squat (70/53lb.)

8 Hand Release Push Up

12 Sit Up

12 rounds (Alternating rounds 1 person working, other partner resting)


400m Goblet Carry (70/53lb.)


400m Goblet Carry (53/35lb.)


8 Goblet Squat (53/35lb.)

8 Hand Release Push Up

12 Sit Up

12 rounds (Alternating rounds 1 person working, other partner resting)


400m Goblet Carry (53/35lb.)


400m Run/ Walk


12 Air Squat

8 Push Up (knees)

12 Sit Up

12 rounds (Alternating rounds 1 person working, other partner resting)


400m Run/ Walk

Cool Down Challenge (Time)

Max effort bridge (elbows and toes) last man standing style. Who can outlast?

If athletes drop to their knees it is then their job to keep getting back up after some rest to accumulate as much time in the active bridge as they can until the last person reaches failure.