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WOD – Wed, Aug 14


Back Squat’s because “strong legs equal a strong mind”. But seriously, the transference of strong squats to any and everything else you hope to pursue is likely a direct correlation, so we want to always be driving up this number. Conditioning today and grinder of sorts that will accumulate a significant amount of volume. Consider scaling if your training frequency isn’t the highest. You can scale back volume by reducing rounds or reps within each round and of course take a look at the load for the deadlifts and be aware that we are cycling 100 of those bad boys when it’s all said and done as RX’d.

You should be able to see that you can complete a round in under 2:00 and expected slowing is natural. 20-24 minutes to complete this should be more than enough time when targetted scaling is done properly.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 bike or row


10 Banded pass through

10 Overhead banded pull a part

10 Banded overhead walking lunge

10 Banded around knees air squat

2 rounds


5 Wall Squat

5 light goblet squat (2 count pause)

5 Air squat

2 rounds

Strength (3 Rounds for reps)

Back Squat

3×4 (72-80%1rm)

Every 3:00 x 3 sets

*If you feel good, stay toward the heavier ends of the percentages and if you feel a bit fatigued or tired stay lower. The goal is to keep quality movement and avoid “sticky” bar speed. Sticky barspeed can be recognized by obvious slowing as the athlete stands or shifting of body position on the way up. (i.e. hips rising up first in the back without the shoulders)

Workout (Time)


10 Rounds for time.

30 Double under

20 Air squat

10 Deadlift (185/125lb.)


10 Rounds for time.

30 Double under (45 single under)

20 Air squat

10 Deadlift (135/95lb.)


7 Rounds for time.

20 Single under

12 Air squat (limited, but maximal ROM for each person)

10 Deadlift (45/35lb.)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

On each leg, execute:

1:00 couch stretch

1:00 pigeon stretch