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WOD – Tue, Aug 13


The strength movement today can be attacked the way you feel you need it most. Will it be narrow grip or wide grip? No matter your style, go heavy and build consistency with leg drive and consistent receiving position in the split of the legs. Conditioning today is all about simple engine work! Run at a fast enough clip to bank time to create as much work as possible in the remaining time on the erg that follows. Each round we shift between rowing and biking as the interval.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

200m Run


2:00 Row


2:00 Bike


:20 dead hang from rig

:20 top of push up hold

:20 barbell hold overhead

2 rounds


5 Hinge to Squat (hands holding onto ankles)

5 Pass thoughts (PVC)

5 Empty barbell split jerk

5 Empty barbell behind the neck split jerk

2 rounds

Strength (4 Rounds for reps)

Behind the neck split jerk


Execute 1 set every 3:00.

The focus here is to develop leg drive with a vertical torso and bar path traveling straight up off the upper back/traps. There are a variance of hand positions that can be helpful to train. The wider you go the less your flexibility will limit you, and it will carry over into the snatch and overhead squat. On the other hand the more narrow you can be, the more stability you can typically create at lock out and the more carry over into the jerk.

Workout (Calories)


3:00 AMRAP/ 1:00 Rest x 6 sets


400m Run


Max cal Row


400m Run


Max Cal Bike

Score is total cals through the 6 rounds

Intermediate same as RX

Baseline: 200m Run each interval

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 max reps abmat sit up


1:00 superman

2 sets, rest as needed.