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WOD – Sat, Aug 10


Today is a bit unique for team work! We are designed to be in teams of 3 today! 3’s company is to be a long grind but the listed work leaves a bit of mystery as there will always be 2 athletes working at once during today’s conditioning while the 3rd athlete may rest. The athletes must start at the top and work their way down in order for work completion. The way the team rotates to accomplish the work is completely up to them!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

Team warm up

30 Cal row

15 Inch worm

30 Spiderman

60 Kip swing

60 Plank shoulder tap

60 Sit up

60 Light KB swing

For quality

(all reps should be split into ⅓’s for the warm up)

3’s Company (Time)


3k Row (wall sit hold)

150 Toes to bar (top of push up hold)

300 Deadlift (135/95lb.) (KB goblet hold 53/35lb.)

For time


3k Row

150 Knees to chest

300 Deadlift (95/65lb.)(KB goblet hold 35/20lb.)

For time


2k Row

100 V Up

200 Deadlift (35/15lb.) (KB goblet hold 15/10lb.)

For time

Cool Down (3 Rounds for reps)

Backward sled drag 3×20 yards

*load so sled keeps moving backward steadily as you march. Rest as needed.