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WOD – Mon, Aug 5


No more sole focus on Hero WODs! Whaaaaat? That’s right you made it! Now our focus will be refinement and progressive improvement of our old lifts. You’ll notice there are days where “drill/skill work” will be present for our strength training. This means that drills like snatch balance, snatch/clean pulls, jerks, pauses, etc. will be a staple for the next month. The reason they are important is because they create awareness and improvement for the 2 primary lifts of the snatch and clean and jerk! Each day is not intended to be as heavy as possible, so some suggested percentages will feel a touch easy–that is ok!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

100m Run

10 Inch Worm

100m Run

20 Spiderman

100m Run

10 Scorpion


15 Push Up

100m Run

15 No Push Up Burpee

For quality

Skills (Checkmark)

10 minutes of jump rope skills practice/development

  • Single under
  • Single leg single unders
  • Double Under
  • Single leg double under practice
  • Cross over single under
Workout (Time)


10 Single leg double under (Right)

15 DB push press (50/35lb.)

10 Single leg double under (Left)

15 DB deadlift (50/35lb.)

5 rounds for time.


40 Single leg single under (Right)

15 DB push press (35/20lb.)

40 Single leg single under (Left)

15 DB deadlift (35/20lb.)

5 rounds for time.


10 Single leg single under (Right)

15 DB push press (15/10lb.)

10 Single leg single under (Left)

15 DB deadlift (15/10lb.)

5 rounds for time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×20 Banded pull apart