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WOD – Thu, Jul 25


Remember today is designed to be as hard as you want it or on the easier side. If you’ve been crushing the hero workouts with consistency, you may need a day to dial back intensity and overall tissue breakdown. That is what today is designed to be. You will still accumulate a good amount of work and can still be at high intensity but also not much eccentric loading. However you choose to attack this today, your score is based on how many sit ups you get each round.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or Bike building in intensity each minute


3 inch worm

6 Spiderman

8 ground to overhead (no weight)

2 rounds


5 KB Deadlift

5 KB Swing

5 Sit up

3 rounds for quality

Flow (AMRAP – Reps)


10 rounds, Every 2:00 on/ 1:00 Rest

15/10 Cal Bike or Row

10 KB Swing (53/35lb.) *American

Max Sit Up


10 rounds, Every 2:00 on/ 1:00 Rest

12/9 Cal Bike or Row

10 KB Swing (35/20lb.) *American

Max Sit Up


6 rounds, Every 2:00 on/ 1:00 Rest

10/7 Cal Bike or Row

10 KB Swing (15/10lb.) *American

Max Sit Up

Cool Down (Checkmark)


GHD Hip Extension


3×30 Alternating superman