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WOD – Sat, Jun 22


Today the goal is to bring a friend to what is called the slow runners club. How hard do you want to run? Is it for max distance? Or is this simply a time domain out of our normal comfort zone for energy system work. Put down some miles at a conversational pace/easy run or simply walk or even burn it down and see what you’ve got in the tank.

Warm Up

400m easy run


20 high knees

20 butt kicks

10 Standing quad stretch (5 each leg)

10 Standing straight leg high kick (5 each leg)

3 rounds

Run Club (Distance)

RXConditioning/ Intermediate/ Baseline:

50:00 Run (Row/ Bike/ Ski)

Cool Down (Checkmark)


8 sets of :20 work/ :10 rest alternating the 2 movements (4 sets of each movement)

Lunge jump + Push Up