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WOD – Tue, Jun 18


Build to a heavy deadlift single through the working sets of deadlift. If it feels right, hit a new PR! Today’s conditioning is a tricky one, how will you attack it? It’s a great test and training stimulus for local muscle endurance. Push the first big set of push jerk or push press, whichever you choose to use but be mindful if you dig too deep a deficit you’ll be hurting on the next couple sets to finish!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Row or 3:00 Bike


4 Inch worm

8 Spiderman

12 Straight leg high kick

3 rounds


10 Empty barbell deadlift

10 Empty barbell strict press

15 Hollow Rock

3 rounds

Deadlift (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 2:30 x 5 sets execute


Start at 70% 1rm and build to a heavy single.

Workout (Time)


50 Shoulder to overhead for time.

*Each time the barbell is dropped you must execute 20 Deadlifts.


*Scale to a load you can do at least 15 unbroken reps with.


50 Shoulder to overhead for time.

*Each time the barbell is dropped you must execute 20 Deadlifts.


*Scale to a load you can do at least 15 unbroken reps with.


50 Shoulder to overhead for time.

*Each time the barbell is dropped you must execute 20 Deadlifts.


*Scale to a load you can do at least 15 unbroken reps with.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 Single arm upright row (slower down than up tempo)


3x :30 L-Hang