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WOD – Sat, Jun 15


Team work makes the dream work. This chipper is quite the test for the weekend. Scaling will be important for the pull ups in order to keep them focused on a strict strength limitation, so no kipping. The 3 burpees every minute on this one will add up pretty quick and if you aren’t good at burpees it will slow the progress of the other movements. The goal is to move FAST through the early movements where you can and remember, both athletes must do burpees every minute.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 work/ :30 rest (bike or row, alternating teammates)

X 8


10 Medball deadlift

10 Medball press

10 Medball squat

20 Medball Russian twist

6 rounds (each teammate does 3 rounds, alternating rounds of work)

Workout (Time)


200 walking lunge

150 alternating db snatch (50/35lb.)

100 wallball push press (20/14lb.) (10/9ft.)

50 strict pull up

For time

*Every minute in the minute both partners must do 3 burpees!*


200 walking lunge

150 alternating db snatch (35/20lb.)

100 wallball push press (14/10.) (10/9ft.)

50 strict pull up (banded)

For time

*Every minute in the minute both partners must do 3 burpees!*


100 walking lunge

80 alternating db snatch (20/10lb.)

60 wallball push press (10/6lb.) (9/8ft.)

40 strict ring row

For time

*Every minute in the minute both partners must do 3 burpees!*

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x 12 overhead DB tricep extension


3x 20 alternating db curl (10 each arm)

Rest as needed.