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WOD – Thu, Jun 13


Pick your poison or your passion, your choice. Spend 20:00 today getting better! As you know, this work is integral for progression. We don’t have the vision for you to remain the same–we love you, but you aren’t done growing and that is our job to push you to better yourself. Let’s put that to practice upside down today and on the rings! Then we have a nasty chipper style workout that ascends in work on the KB, this will be a very metabolic challenge that will emphasize the conditioning of your mind, body and will. Go for it!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run

20/15 cal Bike

20/15 cal Row


:30 banded lat stretch each arm

:30 banded cross body shoulder stretch each arm

:30 Kneeling wrist stretch


10 V Up

10 Superman

1 Wall Walk

3 KB Deadlift

3 Russian KB Swing

3 American Swing

3 rounds

Skill (Checkmark)

Handstand walking + ring muscle up practice

20:00 of skills and drills

  • False grip practice
  • False grip hang
  • Low kneeling ring muscle up
  • Ring row muscle up
  • Jumping ring muscle up
  • Ring muscle up attempts/ practice
  • Lunge to handstand
  • handstand hold
  • Wall-facing shoulder taps
  • Spotter handstand walk (someone supports legs)
  • Handstand walk attempts
Workout (Time)


20 KB swing


50’ handstand walk

30 KB swing


50’ handstand walk

40 KB swing


50’ handstand walk

50 KB swing


50’ handstand walk

For time.

KB: 53/35lb

All swings are completely vertical and overhead


KB: 35/20lb

RMU = 10 ring row or pull up + 10 ring dip

Handstand walk = 6 wall walk


KB: 20/15lb

RMU = 10 ring row + 10 wall push up

Handstand walk = 20 plank shoulder tap