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WOD – Thu, Jun 6


Time to send it! Low skill, high output and a great way to test fitness. We row 500m for time today. Some of you may have benchmark scores for this, but if you don’t, then it’s good to know that this type of effort is comparable to a 400m run for time. You should approach this as if it is a sprint race in your mind. Physically it won’t feel like a sprint due to how long it will last, but the key to success is to understand that this is not a paced effort.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

1:00 Bike

1:00 Row

X 5 rounds (10:00 of easy aerobic prep)


1:00 couch stretch (each leg)

1:00 pigeon stretch (each leg)


:20 Row (build to your race pace through the rounds)

X 5 rounds

**This way we will have as much rest as needed to cycle through class. Focus on great mechanics and how to optimize speed with less effort**

500M Row Time Trial (Time)


Time trial

500m row

Strength (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 x 5 sets

3 Bench press


12 single arm upright row each arm

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x 20 GHD hip extension or 3×20 banded good morning

*hip extensions can hold weight for more challenge