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WOD – Fri, May 31


Establish a heavy triple in the bench press today! Then we get into some rep accumulation on today’s conditioning. Bench press load should provide the ability to hit 10 unbroken reps if asked, bar can be racked as needed through the minute! Strict pull up should remain intact as RX’d movement if athlete can get 5 each minute (even if they are singles). Scale GHD to parallel ROM or to a mat for those with lesser experience on the apparatus.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m run


5 pvc pass through standing

5 pass through bottom squat

5 pass through lying belly down


3 snatch grip deadlift

3 snatch pull

3 muscle snatch

3 overhead squat

3 squat snatch

2 rounds lead by coach. Warm up + refinement! Cue them up!


5 perfect push up + prep bench

Bench Press (5 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 execute 1 set of 3 x 5 sets

Ascending in weight each set building to heavy 3.

Workout (4 Rounds for reps)


1:00 bench press (135/95lb.)

1:00 strict pull up

1:00 GHD Sit up / abmat

1:00 bike

1:00 rest

4 rounds for max reps


1:00 bench press (95/65lb.)

1:00 strict pull up (banded, no kip)

1:00 abmat sit up

1:00 bike

1:00 rest

4 rounds for max reps


1:00 bench press (30/20lb.) consider db scale

1:00 strict ring row

1:00 a mat or supported/ assisted sit up (band)

1:00 bike

1:00 rest

4 rounds for max reps

Cool Down (3 Rounds for reps)

3x :30 max reps banded pull a part

*put palms up for supinate grip. Burnout the back of the shoulders to balance the bench for today!