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WOD – Fri, May 24


Back to back running days? You know it. How else are you going to be prepped for Murph? Getting more touches in under our legs to grease the groove of running and we are also accumulating a good amount of reps from the rig this week to prep the hands and arms. Today consider scaling pull up volume to something you can get to in 3 sets each round and the DB should feel like a weight that you can move steadily for the prescribed reps each round. 4:30-5:00 rounds is an approximation of time window when considering scaling.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

400m Run


10 Wrist rolls right

10 Wrist rolls left

10 arm circles forward

10 arm circles backward

5 inch worms

10 Scorpion stretch

1 round


:20 Dead hang from rig

10 Plank shoulder tap

10 Plate ground to overhead (light weight)

3 rounds


10 Kipping swing

3-5 pull up

5 Single arm DB Deadlift each arm (between legs)

5 Single arm snatch each arm

2 rounds

The Unbroken Wonder (Time)


400m Run

21 Pull Up

20 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35lb.)

5 rounds for time.


400m Run

21 Pull Up (Banded pull up)

20 Alternating DB Snatch (35/20lb.)

5 rounds for time.


200m Run

16 Pull Up (Banded/ jumping or ring row)

14 Alternating DB Snatch (15/10lb.)

5 rounds for time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3x 30 Banded tricep push down (attach at rig)

3x 15 GHD Hip extension

Rest as needed between.