Heavy, Hard, new PR?! For some, today may be a good day to go after a new Deadlift PR! For others, a heavy single will do, and then let’s keep as much weight on the barbell as possible as we test and develop our strength endurance. Our conditioning today is a staple benchmark that almost tests your mind more than your body. Are you willing to hold onto the kettlebell even when you would rather take a break? If you can hold on and swing it over your head you can be successful. Sometimes you’ve simply got to tell your brain to shut up and let your body do the work.
5:00 jump rope (play)
- Variety of skills and patterns to learn new things!
3 inch worm
6 Spider man
6 Scorpion
3 rounds
1 Wall Walk
10 Hollow Rock
10 Curtsy lunge (5 each leg)
10 Light KB Deadlift
5 rounds for quality
5 Empty barbell deadlift
Build to to first working set
Execute 1 set every 3:00
Load it up and shoot for a working set on each listed set here! The goal is to build to a heavy single through the early sets and then of course keep the weight as heavy as you can through the high volume “strength endurance” sets.
150 American Kettlebell swings for time.
150 American Kettlebell swings for time.
100 American Kettlebell swings for time.
Cross body low back release Link: Crossbody Low Back Stretch
1:00 each side
Pigeon stretch
1:00 each side
Banded lat stretch
:30 each side