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WOD – Mon, May 20


New PR strict press? Today could be the day! If not, settle for a heavy single and then train those shoulders and triceps to keep going even when you are tired. We will hit big sets on the barbell and then change the movement function but keep pressing! The fatigue built prior to the workout will make “hands free” a big challenge today. The idea here is to develop a fitness that won’t be so limited to local muscle endurance and train for future tests so you have to do less standing around when there aren’t many breaks from pressing! 10-13 minutes for this workout is a great goal range for most.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row


:20 banded lat stretch each arm

:30 dead hang from pull up bar

:30 cross body shoulder stretch each arm


5 Push Up

10 banded face pull

5 no pushup burpee

3 rounds


10 empty barbell strict press

3×3 building sets to the first workout set of strict press

Strict Press (6 Rounds for reps)


Execute 1 set every 3:00

Load it up and shoot for a working set on each listed set here! The goal is to build to a heavy single through the early sets and then of course keep the weight as heavy as you can through the high volume “strength endurance” sets.

Hands Free (Time)



Hand release push up (no thighs, touch ground throughout push up)

Burpee to 12’ target on the wall

For time



Hand release push up (worming allowed)

Burpee to 6’ target on the wall

For time



Kneeling hand release push up

Burpee (half the burpee reps) 16-12-8

For time

Standing Upright Row (3 Rounds for reps)
