Today we have a simple station rotation where teams of 2 get a chance to split up the work at each station however they want to!
10 arm circles forward
10 arm circles backward
5 inch worm
10 Air Squat
3 rounds
10 KB Sumo Deadlift high pull (Light KB)
10 Plank shoulder taps
10 V Ups
2 rounds
2:00 Wall Walk
2:00 max Cal Row
2:00 max Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65lb.)
2:00 Rest
3 rounds for max reps
2:00 Wall Walk
2:00 max Cal Row
2:00 max Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55lb.)
2:00 Rest
3 rounds for max reps
2:00 Wall Walk (Partial range up wall or inch worms)
2:00 max Cal Row
2:00 max Sumo Deadlift High Pull (20/10lb.)
2:00 Rest
3 rounds for max reps
3×10 Alternating DB curl (each arm)
3x 12 Lateral dumbbell Shoulder raise
Superset the 2 movements rest as needed.