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WOD – Thu, May 2


SAME prescription as last week for front squats. The goal here is to try to enhance the load you move on EACH SET. So look back to last week if you were present and try to best your efforts on all 6 sets, even if only by a pound or 2! Today’s conditioning is a burner in a different way. The loaded farmer carry walk will become trying and tough, but then when you return you get to abandon the load and move fast through air squats! A day like this coupled with Nicole are other separate ways to prepare for Murph on Memorial Day, which is rapidly approaching.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row


10 Walking lunge + overhead reach

10 lateral lunge (5 each leg)

5 Goblet squat (light KB, focus on chest up, heels down, knees out)

3 rounds


Build to first front squat set and get set up with class.

Front Squat (6 Rounds for reps)


Similar to yesterday’s deadlifts, our strength will play on this “rise and fall” rep scheme through working sets with varying movements to build both volume and overall strength!*

Rest 3:00 between sets, all sets must be working sets, this means hard. Don’t know where to start? Open with 10 at around 65-70% and adjust from there.

Workout (Time)


100m Farmer Carry (70/53lb. Each arm)

50 Air Squat

3 rounds for time.


100m Farmer Carry (53/35lb. Each arm)

50 Air Squat

3 rounds for time.


100m Farmer Carry (15/10lb. Each arm)

30 Air Squat

3 rounds for time.

*sit to a box or use a supported air squat of some degree if needed.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×12 each leg banded terminal knee extension (squeeze quad hard and hold for 1 count each rep)


3×15 banded good morning