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WOD – Wed, May 1


Skills for hanging and pulling. Don’t forget “virtuosity”. This term means doing the common uncommonly well. Even the most advanced athletes will take their fitness/capacity to the next level by refining and perfecting some of the skills listed below. The goal is to provide time, space and effort on improving a specified skill that is associated with pull ups. If you are looking to gain strength, don’t add “hard” reps to the skill portion. Instead, today focus on skills and go HARD on Nicole. And yes, we want both maximum reps each set and then yes, a fast run!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

3:00 Foam roll lats + chest


10 yard high knees

10 yard butt kicks

10 yard side shuffle x 4

2 rounds


5 Scap pull up

5 Scap push up

5 kipping swing

5 Ring row or bent row (light DB’s)

2 rounds

Skills (Checkmark)

10 minutes of pull up skills and drills!

  • Kipping swing
  • 2 kips + 1 pull up (refinement)
  • 2-1-2 (2 kip swings – 1 pull up – 2 kip swings – teaching “push away”)
  • Linking kipping pull up reps together
  • Butterfly pull up skill work
  • Great time to go through different scaling options (band under feet, band around upper body, band under feet attached across j pegs in squat rack, jumping pull ups (no negative))
Nicole (AMRAP – Reps)


AMRAP in 20 minutes

400 meter run

Max pull-ups


AMRAP in 20 minutes

400 meter run

Max banded or assisted pull up


AMRAP in 20 minutes

200 meter run

Max banded or assisted pull up

Rest 1:00 each round

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3×15 Banded straight arm pull down



1:00 lat stretch each arm (banded or holding rig)