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WOD – Sun, Apr 14
Paint Night with Coach Bailey. Friday April 19th, 630-830pm. All proceeds will go to support Jamie V and her fight against Breast Cancer. $35. Sign up on the board and reserve your spot. All are welcome, bring a friend or neighbor and a treat/snack to share.


5-7 Minutes

Coaches Choice

Test T2Bar K2E (AMRAP – Reps)

Kipping T2bar or K290

1 max effort

Metcon (Weight)

10 rounds EMOM

1: Minute 3-5 Double KB Thruster

Grn/Blu Blu/Yel Heavy as athlete can go

2: Minute 200m run

3: Minute 5 DB Bench press

Heavy as athlete can go

Cool Down

3-5 minute flush

Couch stretch


Banded pull work