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WOD – Thu, Mar 21
Week 3. 24.3 LCF Open winners are:
RX: Sarah Durate
Scaled: Cannon Cottle
Spirit of the Open: Sherry Parhman
Winners' pick up your prizes up from the LCF Office.


Skills pay the bills. In this methodology we fail at the margins of our experience. Therefore we want to build out our experiences and the things we practice! Ever seen a high level boxer with a jump rope? Or a pro “jump roper”? They exist, look them up, we want to have the audacity to practice the skills they exhibit just as desperately as we practice the high level skills of Olympic weightlifting. For today’s conditioning, we get after a “Dri Tri” and we are trying to accomplish as much work as possible throughout! This is no flow, this is an aerobic tester, we will revisit another time throughout the year! Go hard and see how much work you can accumulate!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

10 shuttle run

20/15 cal row

20/15 cal bike


All movements should be done 25ft. Each

  • High knee walk (knee up , toe up)
  • High knee shin up (pull shin up, one hand on shin, other on bottom of foot)
  • Foot grab, quad stretch (every step switch legs, hold for 1 count)
  • Running high knee’s
  • Running butt kicks
  • Lateral shuffle (25x 4)
Skills and Drills (Checkmark)

10:00 of jump rope skills:

  • single unders
  • Double unders
  • Cross over single unders
  • Single leg double unders
  • Triple unders
  • Cross over double unders

Use time to refine current skill level and expand outside of your normal range/ practice!

The Mono Pyramid (AMRAP – Reps)


3:00 Row

3:00 Bike

3:00 Run (shuttle)

2:00 Row

2:00 Bike

2:00 Run (shuttle)

1:00 Row

1:00 Bike

1:00 Run (shuttle)

2:00 Row

2:00 Bike

2:00 Run (shuttle)

3:00 Row

3:00 Bike

3:00 Run (shuttle)

*Score is total reps in cals

**Out and back = 1 rep shuttle run.

Intermediate + Baseline have same work prescriptions. Consider limiting a baseline athletes overall work time, but first encourage a control pace of intensity so they can last the 30:00.

Cool Down (AMRAP – Reps)

GHD Sit Up

1:00 max reps (scale ROM if you don’t do these often to parallel)

2-3 sets (lack of exposure should only do 2 sets. )