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WOD – Thu, Feb 22


We revisit a one and done movement in the CF Open today! The dumbbell hang clean and jerk has only appeared once, and this was it’s only time. This is a long grind of a workout and depends greatly on the pace you are willing to try to hold on the machine. Due to demand and class size feel free to utilize both bikes and rowers as the erg. Be mindful to make adjustments to calories as listed below.

Warm up (Checkmark)

:20 Bike/Row

:10 Rest

X 10

These intervals today are a seal breaker, start slow and build intensity so that the last 2 intervals feel like your reaching your normal breathing rate in a workout.


1:00 dead hang (accumulate or unbroken)

1:00 top of push up hold (accumulate or unbroken)


10 Scap pull up

10 Sit up

10 Sinlge arm DB Deadlift each side

2 rounds


18.1 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

8 toes-to-bars

10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks

14/12-cal. row

50/35lb. DB

*Bike cals: 12/9 cals per round



Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

8 Hanging leg raise/ Knees to chest

10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks

14/12-cal. row

35/20lb. DB



Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

8 V Ups

10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks

14/12-cal. row

15/10lb. DB

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Banded Lat stretch

1:00 each side

Cross body shoulder stretch

1:00 each side

