3 weeks of Friday Night light Throwdowns. Fun Food and Prizes.
4 Teams will be created with team LCF Coach Team Leads. All skill levels on each team. Deadline is 16 Feb 2024, don’t procrastinate.
You can do this even if you are out of town 1 or more of the Friday Throwdowns.
Also recommend you sign up for the 2024 CF Open https://games.crossfit.com/ for so many reasons.
Ask a coach any question.
Fresh legs to start the week, so we shall make sure they eat! Build to a heavy set of 3 in the 5 sets today. You don’t need to start heavy and stay heavy but you should start heavy enough and plan your increases so you can have some success on the back end and be proud of your weights!
100 ft. Bear crawl
3 inch worm
6 Spiderman + twist
8 Scorpion
2 rounds
5 x hinge to squat (hands on ankles or under toes)
5 air squat
5 squat jump
5 scap pull up
5 scap push up
10 kipping swings
2 rounds
Every 3:00 x 5 sets
Execute 3 back squats
*Building to a heavy set of 3 today!**
15:00 AMRAP
5 Bar muscle Up
25ft. OH DB Walking lunge
10 Lateral jump over DB (over and back is 1)
25ft. OH DB Walking lunge
15:00 AMRAP
5 Banded or jumping bar muscle up
25ft. OH DB Walking lunge
10 Lateral jump over DB (over and back is 1)
25ft. OH DB Walking lunge
15:00 AMRAP
5 Push up + 5 pull up (banded or jumping)
25ft. OH DB Walking lunge
5 Lateral jump over DB (over and back is 1)
25ft. OH DB Walking lunge
3×12 Seated banded hamstring curl
3x 10 Dumbbell pull over (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSkSflHdC3A)
Rest as needed, move through for quality.