3 weeks of Friday Night light Throwdowns. Fun Food and Prizes.
4 Teams will be created with team LCF Coach Team Leads. All skill levels on each team. Deadline is 16 Feb 2024, don’t procrastinate.
You can do this even if you are out of town 1 or more of the Friday Throwdowns.
Also recommend you sign up for the 2024 CF Open https://games.crossfit.com/ for so many reasons.
Ask a coach any question.
Today out strength couplet involves a hybrid movement for the mid back (row), low back (stand) and the upper back (shrug) and of course core with the V Up. Select loads that get tough toward the back half of the set and select a rep scheme for the V up that allows you to get all the reps without much pausing or resting within it. In our conditioning the amount of work shouldn’t look like much. The goal is to attack as an all out sprint early and develop our capacity in the later rounds trying to hold onto such a pace. Go fast, take chance on the erg and focus on the box jump!
3:00 bike or Row
1:00 Couch stretch each leg
1:00 pigeon each leg
3 Inch worm
6 Hollow rock
9 KB Deadlift
12 Lateral KB hops
3 rounds
Bent Row + Shrug
(execute 1 bent Row, stand, then do 1 shrug that is 1 rep)
V Up
4×20-30 reps
2:00 rest after each superset.
Every 3:00 x 5 sets
12/9 Cal Bike
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65lb.)
6 Box Jump (36/30’)
**Goal is to finish each round in around 2:00 or under!
Every 3:00 x 5 sets
12/9 Cal Bike
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55lb.)
6 Box Jump (30/24’)
**Goal is to finish each round in around 2:00 or under!
Every 3:00 x 5 sets
8/5 Cal Bike
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (55/45lb.)
6 Box Jump (20/14’)
**Goal is to finish each round in around 2:00 or under!
3×12 each leg seated banded hamstring curl
3×10 half kneeling landmine single arm press
Rest as needed.
*Score all 5 efforts.