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WOD – Wed, Feb 7
Get signed up for LCF 2024 CrossFit Open. Just like last year, $20.00.
3 weeks of Friday Night light Throwdowns. Fun Food and Prizes.
4 Teams will be created with team LCF Coach Team Leads.  All skill levels on each team.  Deadline is 16 Feb 2024, don’t procrastinate.
You can do this even if you are out of town 1 or more of the Friday Throwdowns.
Also recommend you sign up for the 2024 CF Open  for so many reasons.
Ask a coach any question.


Today we get after core work first! It’s not often we have stand alone core work first but it can act as a great priority when needing to see enhance stability or capacity in the midline. Go hard, go fast, burn it down. You’ll get some time to recover as you prep for the conditioning, then the trick is to see what you’ve got left in the rest of the body for the triplet to follow. Scale the loading and difficulty so the 10 reps seems easy to start of each.

Warm up (Checkmark)

3x lateral shuffle shuttle runs (25ft. Out and back =1)

50 ft. Walking Lunge

10 Kipping Swing

10 Scap push up

3 rounds


Core (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata sit up

:20 on/ :10 off x 8

Max reps total rounds.

10+ (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


10 pull up

10 alternating lunge jump

10 DB push press (50/35lb.)




10 pull up (banded)

10 alternating lunge jump

10 DB push press (35/20lb.)




10 Jumping pull up/ Ring Row

10 alternating lunge

10 DB push press (20/10lb.)



Cool Down (Checkmark)

3:00 Bike or Row