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WOD – Sat, Feb 3
Get signed up for LCF 2024 CrossFit Open. Just like last year, $20.00.
3 weeks of Friday Night light Throwdowns. Fun Food and Prizes.
4 Teams will be created with team LCF Coach Team Leads.  All skill levels on each team.  Deadline is 16 Feb 2024, don’t procrastinate.
You can do this even if you are out of town 1 or more of the Friday Throwdowns.
Also recommend you sign up for the 2024 CF Open  for so many reasons.
Ask a coach any question.


Team style workout, but today everyone is working non stop. There are 60 reps that will seperate athletes between their work stations. 1 athlete will complete the 3 movements with 20 reps, then switch with the other athlete. The other athlete will execute a throwback movement from Jack Lalanne! Star jumps are sneaky tough, so we will get after 15 of them and then into the bike or row! Rotate through these stations as many times as possible in 20:00 while accumulating as many reps on the erg as possible as well!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

50/40 cals bike or row as a pair


10 Medball deadlifts (each partner)

10 air Squat (each partner)

10 Medball Push Press (each partner)

3 rounds

Throwback Fitness (Calories)

“Throwback Fitness”


AMRAP 20:00

Partner 1:

20 Medball Push Press (20/14lb.)

20 Medball Russian Twist (20/14lb.)

20 Medball Squat clean (20/14lb.)

Partner 2:

15 Star Jumps


Max Cal Bike or Row

Partners rotate stations once partner 1 is finished with the 60 reps of their work with the medball.

Star Jump:

Standard: For us, we want to touch shoes with hands as we drop the butt down, then when we jump our hands must make contact overhead and get our arms back by our sides before feet hit the ground again.


AMRAP 20:00

Partner 1:

15 Medball Push Press (20/14lb.)

15 Medball Russian Twist (20/14lb.)

15 Medball Squat clean (20/14lb.)

Partner 2:

10 Star Jumps


Max Cal Bike or Row

Partners rotate stations once partner 1 is finished with the 60 reps of their work with the medball.


AMRAP 20:00

Partner 1:

10 Medball Push Press (14/10lb.)

10 Medball Russian Twist

10 Medball Squat clean

Partner 2:

20 Jumping jacks


Max Cal Bike or Row

Partners rotate stations once partner 1 is finished with the 60 reps of their work with the medball.

**NOte your cals accumulated and your rounds completed!

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Dumbbell Bench Fly’s

3×15 (light and control)

Superset with

3×12 Bent over lateral raise

Rest as needed.