3 weeks of Friday Night light Throwdowns. Fun Food and Prizes.
4 Teams will be created with team LCF Coach Team Leads. All skill levels on each team. Deadline is 16 Feb 2024, don’t procrastinate.
You can do this even if you are out of town 1 or more of the Friday Throwdowns.
Also recommend you sign up for the 2024 CF Open https://games.crossfit.com/ for so many reasons.
Ask a coach any question.
For our strength couplet today we get movement redundancy and local muscle endurance. The goal is to make the pull up as heavy or as hard as possible for you but to hit the prescribed rep scheme, while doing the same with the ring row. Keep the transition to ring row as short as possible so you leave little time to recover form the pull up, this is intentional.
1:00 lat stretch each arm (banded, rig)
1:00 shoulder stretch each arm (cross body)
25ft. High knee’s
25ft. Butt Kicks
50ft. Lateral Shuffle
3 rounds
5 Scap pull up
5 kip swing
5 Light DB or KB Strict press
5 V Up
3 rounds
Every 3:00 x 4 sets execute
5 Strict or weighted pull ups
+ 10-15 Ring Rows
“Push it”
DB Push Press (50/35lb.)
Toes to bar
For time.
Rest 3:00
X 3 sets
*Total time is your score, sprint each couplet, scale so you can do so!
DB Push Press (35/20lb.)
Knees to chest
For time.
Rest 3:00
X 3 sets
*Total time is your score, sprint each couplet, scale so you can do so!
DB Push Press (20/15lb.)
Lying Straight leg lift
For time.
Rest 3:00
X 3 sets
*Total time is your score, sprint each couplet, scale so you can do so!
3×15 Lateral Dumbbell Raise
3x 12 Lateral landmine rotations (over and back is 1)
*Score total time.