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WOD – Wed, Jan 31
Get signed up for LCF 2024 CrossFit Open. Just like last year, $20.00.
3 weeks of Friday Night light Throwdowns. Fun Food and Prizes.
4 Teams will be created with team LCF Coach Team Leads.  All skill levels on each team.  Deadline is 16 Feb 2024, don’t procrastinate.
You can do this even if you are out of town 1 or more of the Friday Throwdowns.
Also recommend you sign up for the 2024 CF Open  for so many reasons.
Ask a coach any question.


Intent: Low destruction + High stimulus training day. The goal is to be able to get after intensity but equally not create too much residual muscle soreness with what we get done.

Warm Up (Checkmark)

30/24 Cal Bike or Row


10 Banded or PVC Pass through

10 Scap push up

10 Scam pull up

:20 lateral side bridge (each side)

50ft. Single arm farmer carry (light) each side

100ft. Run (easy)

3 rounds



Skills and Drills (Checkmark)

Skills and Drills:

Ring muscle up skill work (goal is not to accumulate high level effort practice but low level refinement.)

  • Kipping swings from rings
  • Kneeling ring muscle up practice with false grip
  • Ring Row muscle up (false grip)
  • Ring Row muscle up (regular grip)
  • High ring transition practice, low volume reps.
Kill the Cals (Calories)

“Kill the Cals”


Every 4:00 x 8 rounds

10 shuttle run (25ft. Out and back is 1)

20 No push up burpee to pull up rig (bar should be out of reach with feet on ground)

Max cals Bike or Row


Every 4:00 x 8 rounds

8 shuttle run (25ft. Out and back is 1)

15 No push up burpee to pull up rig (bar should be out of reach with feet on ground)

Max cals Bike or Row


Every 4:00 x 8 rounds

6 shuttle run (25ft. Out and back is 1)

12 No push up burpee to pull up rig (bar should be out of reach with feet on ground)

Max cals Bike or Row

Cool Down (3 Rounds for reps)

3x 1:00 Hollow hold + banded pull down
