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WOD – Fri, Jan 26


Building to a heavy set of 3 is a great way to check in on overall pressing strength without creating the same stress as a 1rm. Use the 12 minutes to get in plenty of prep reps but not build an unnecessary amount of fatigue before you go for the first real heavy set of 3. Should have plenty of time to get prepped and give 2-3 attempts at 3 heavy reps. Then in “Hands to the sky” you’ll have a chance to really test your overall pressing stamina. Although the 2 movements don’t both involve pressing, both require your arms overhead and as fatigue builds regardless of hanging or pressing the accumulation happens fast. Shake the arms out, pace early and realize 12 minutes will seem like a long long time, until you hit about 8:00 and then time will fly!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

7/5 Cal Row or Bike

20 Shoulder tap

3 rounds


1 Wall Walk

5 Strict hanging leg raise or Toe to bar (strict)

5 Kipping Swing

5 kipping knees to chest

2 rounds

Push Press (Push Press
In 12:00 Build to a heavy set of 3 Push press!
Hands to the Sky (AMRAP – Reps)

“Hands to the Sky!”


12:00 AMRAP


Double DB Push press (50/35lb.)

Toes to bar


12:00 AMRAP


Double DB Push press (35/20lb.)

Hanging leg raise/ Knee’s to chest


12:00 AMRAP


Double DB Push press (20/10lb.)

Lying leg Raise (hold to rig or KB overhead)

Cool Down (Weight)

Lateral Bridge Rotation

3×10 each side (unweighted or with DB of choice)

Goal is to really reach free arm as far under body as possible each rep.