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WOD – Thu, Jan 25


Today we focus on skill development. As an athlete this is the BEST time to take your performance in WOD’s to the next level. See where you are, play, learn, and try new things. This time is the time that will allow you to attempt new scaling versions and see where progress has been without too much fatigue. Then in the WOD we get a chance to challenge you while under duress and progress you with your overall conditioning. Today’s “Open Up” is a traditional visit to a workout where the movements that we begin with almost feel like punishment and those with the fitness get a chance to party on the higher skilled movements toward the end, we see this a lot in the CF Open. Don’t forget though, it’s an AMRAP you finish the final rep, time to go back the beginning and run it back!

Warm up (Checkmark)

8 minute AMRAP

7/5 Cal Row or Bike

10 Banded pass through

10 Banded pull a part

5 Single arm DB/KB Deadlift each arm

5 Hip down push up

5 push up

Skills (Checkmark)

20 minutes of hanging skills work today!

This can be a wide range of skills or drills, whatever coach decides to highlight.

  • Kip swing refinement
  • Pull up skills / linking reps together
  • Chest to bar skills
  • Bar muscle up practice (hip to bar pulls, glide kip practice, linking reps)
Open Up (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

“Open Up”


15:00 AMRAP

60 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)

45 Deadlifts (225/155lb.)

30 Bar Muscle Up


15:00 AMRAP

60 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)

45 Deadlifts (185/125lb.)

30 Banded or Jumping Bar muscle up

**For strength development 1 burpee + chest to bar pull up each rep instead**


15:00 AMRAP

30 Burpee Box Jump Over (stack of plates, something athlete can jump or step to)

45 Deadlifts (95/65lb.)

30 Kneeling/ Wall Push Up

30 Ring or Inverted Row

Cool Down

Cool Down:

2x max effort handstand hold (back to wall)

Rest as needed between each.

Be mindful of body position, narrow hands directly under shoulders allow for optimizing the “stacked” position allowing for maximal muscle and skeletal contribution.