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WOD – Wed, Jan 24


Intent: Conditioning focus today! Goal here is to have a day with no overhead or hanging movements to accommodate the previous days this week. Each interval in today’s conditioning starts with a run buy in, once you finish that portion you are into the triplet of squats, v ups and sit ups. Although the squats may be responsible for most of the metabolic distress AKA getting our of breathe and pain, the redundancy or interference that takes place in the core work will sneak up on you just after 1 round! Today you should track rounds of each AMRAP and do the math at the end to find your total score of reps. The runs don’t actually add to your score, they are merely buy in’s!

Warm up (Checkmark)

Warm Up:

10 Shuttle runs easy pace (20 lengths x 25ft.)


5 inch worm

10 Spider-Man

10 Straight leg high kick

10 Forward Lunge

10 Backward lunge

20 Hollow Rock

Again, More. (AMRAP – Reps)

“Again, More.”


3:00 AMRAP

5 Shuttle Runs


10 Goblet Squat (50/35lb.)

10 V Up

10 Sit Up


2:00 REST

6:00 AMRAp

10 shuttle runs


15 Goblet Squat (50/35lb.)

15 V Up

15 Sit Up


2:00 REST

9:00 AMRAP

15 Shuttle runs


20 Goblet Squat (50/35lb.)

20 V Up

20 Sit Up

Score is total reps!


Same work, just load adjusted to 35/20lb. Or as needed.


4,8,12 reps for shuttle runs

Ajdusted loads 20/10lb. Or as needed.

**sub bike and row cals for similar time domains for runs.

:30 AMRAP 1

:60-:90 AMRAP 2

2:00-2:30 for AMRAP 3

Cool Down (Weight)

Landline Curtsy lunge

3×10 each leg

*Be focused on quality of movement here, control the descend of each rep so it’s slower down than up.