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WOD – Sun, Jan 21

Warm up

3:00 Row or 3:00 bike

Dynamic Warm Up

Coaches Choice

LandMine Clean and Jerk (Weight)

E2MOM 8 sets x3 reps each side L-R

Increase weight over sets with good mechanics

“45” (Time)

RX Conditioning:

4 Strict pull ups

4 T2bar

5 DB Front squat 50/35 35/20 25/10

5 DB Push press

5/4 Bike sprint Cals

1:00 minute rest

6 Rounds:


4 Strict pull ups

4 K2 above 90

5 DB Front squat 35/20

5 DB Push press

5/4 Bike sprint Cals

1:00 minute rest

6 Rounds:


4 K2 90

4 Jumping pull up strict decent

5 DB Front squat 25/15

5 DB Push press

5/4 Bike sprint Cals

1:00 minute rest

6 Rounds:

Goal is Unbroken “Quality ROM movements, pushing hard, recover and repeat.

Cool Down

3×12 Landmine rotation (Landmine Rotation)

*over and back is 1 rep.

3×12 Landmine strict press R-L side

*over and back is 1 rep.