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WOD – Thu, Jan 18


Speed strength is back on the menu. If you were present for last weeks training then hopefully you see the value in this training. It is a great way to increase power and speed in positions we hope to develop strength. The faster you move, the stronger you can be and that is what we work on today. It is great to do in training when fatigue has been build from other days of training and intensity may be lacking due to soreness or sluggish legs. Keep loads light and move with speed and quality, and of course, jump high! Conditioning today is all about holding threshold paces and trying your best to score as high as possible throughout the course of the 4 rounds. If you plan on signing up and doing the Open, which I strongly encourage to everyone! Then we suggest being mindful and learning the row, run and box jump over + step down pacing, what is something sustainable for you in this workout? These lessons can provide great info for you in the future when workouts are announced and building pacing strategies or expectations around them!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

:30 row/ :30 rest x 5


10 Walking straight leg toe touch (5 each leg)

20 Pogo jumps (jump through balls of feet quick away from the ground, light jumps)

10 Squat to Hinge (hands on toes arms inside legs chest up, rise hips straighten legs keep hands on toes to stretch hamstrings, repeat)

10 Straight leg kicks (5 each leg)

3 rounds


Speed Strength (8 Rounds for reps)

Every 2:00 x 8 sets (16:00)

Banded Deadlift 8×2 at 55% 1rm (How to set up:

After each set execute at

High seated box jump (

**Note how high the box you jump on is as well!

World Traveler (AMRAP – Reps)


1:00 Shuttle Run (25ft. X 1 = 1 rep/cal)

1:00 Row cals

1:00 Box Jump + Step down (24/20) (over and back = 1 rep)

1:00 Bike cals

1:00 Rest

4 rounds for max reps

Be mindful to track work according to the description above. The over and back for 1 rep on box jump over is to help create more equality for time and value in those reps vs. the ergs, same with the run. In other workouts prescribed the run may only be rewarded 1 rep by executing a down and back but today it is each time you cross the line and turn.


1:00 Shuttle Run (25ft. X 1 = 1 rep/cal)

1:00 Row cals

1:00 Box Jump + Step down (24/20) (over and back = 1 rep)

1:00 Bike cals

1:00 Rest

4 rounds for max reps


1:00 Shuttle Run (25ft. X 1 = 1 rep/cal)

1:00 Row cals

1:00 Plate jump over and step down (over and back = 1 rep)

1:00 Bike cals

1:00 Rest

4 rounds for max reps

*If athletes can’t jump a step up is a good sub for today.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

1:00 Couch stretch each leg

1:00 Pigeon stretch each leg

1:00 Pancake stretch