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WOD – Tue, Jan 16


Pressing and pulling today on the platter for the strength couplet. Incline bench press is often overlooked! But it helps more directly develop the pec minor. This muscle is smaller than that pec major, however it sits underneath the upper portion of the pec major, as it grows and develops it helps the rest of the chest appear bigger! It is often developed and even trained as priority in the body building community in a variety of ways before traditional bench pressing. Placing some plates under one end of the bench can help elevate it to appropriate height to optimize the position. Conditioning is a simple triplet of plyometrics buy in and buy out with hinge and trunk flexion movement in the KB Swing and V up!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

5:00 of jump rope skills and drills (single under, double under practice, ect.)


8 minute AMRAP for quality

10 Ground to overhead (25/15lb plate or lighter)

10 Bent Row (same plate)

10 overhead press (same plate)

10 Goblet Squat (same plate)

10 Scap pull up

10 Hanging leg raise

Strength Couplet (8 Rounds for reps)

Every 3:00 x 4 sets

Incline Barbell Bench Press


Superset with:

Dumbbell Upright Row

4×12 (do both arms at the same time but a KB or DB in each arm, slower down than up tempo.)

Bunny Hop (Time)


100ft. Broad jump


KB Swing

Alternating V Up



100ft. Broad Jump

For time.

70/53lb. Russian Swing

14:00 Time Cap


100ft. Broad jump


KB Swing

Alternating V Up



100ft. Broad Jump

For time.

53/35lb. Russian Swing


50ft. Broad jump


KB Swing

Alternating V Up



50ft. Broad Jump

For time.

35/20lb. Russian Swing

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Single leg plank (

3x :30 each leg