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WOD – Mon, Jan 15


Today we bless you with the leg and fat burning gains I know you all desire. What? Fat burning? Gains? Yep, squats my friends. There is not a better way to increase your BMR (Basal metabolic rate) than building muscle and loading the body universally (spine) the way a back squat does. As we brace for challenging sets we will raise the amount of muscle needed to move the load, as we equally keep the resting window low it increases the demand on the metabolic system. So, do you want to “lean” or “tone” up? Squat. Today we do it and do it well. (Cue up LLCOOLJ: “Doin’ it”). For conditioning today the legs aren’t ignored but we don’t break them down anymore than they already will be after squats and turn the focus to your ability to breathe, execute skills and keep going, but after some solid rest intervals!

Warm Up (Checkmark)

2-3 minute row or bike


1:00 sampson stretch each leg

1:00 pigeon stretch each leg


:10 bottom squat hold

10 Spiderman

5 Wall Squat

5 Goblet Squat

10 No push up burpee

3 rounds


Back Squat (Back Squat
Every 2:00 execute 1 set of
*Start lighter and build as you go. This recovery window starts pretty small with 10 reps especially sharing the barbell with 1-2 others. Start around 45-50% 1rm and try to make incremental incre)
Pace Breaker (Time)


15/10 Cal Row

15 Bar facing Burpee

45 Double Under

2:00 Rest

5 rounds for time.

Lots of rest here today with these intervals but you should look at 2:00 of time and understand that our goal is to keep our working intervals as close to that window as possible. If you look at 15/10 cals row + burpee + double unders and know that will take closer to 3:00, then you must consider scaling back today! You can do this by reducing skill of double under, volume of RX reps or adjusting the capacity work of the row or burpee.


12/9 Cal Row

12 Bar facing Burpee

45 Single Unders or 30 lateral bar jump overs

2:00 Rest

5 rounds for time.



10/7 Cal Row

10 Bar facing Burpee

30 Single Unders or 20 Plate hops

2:00 Rest

5 rounds for time.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

3-5:00 Bike or Row at slow steady pace to help flush legs. Today’s squats will create some DOM’s (delayed onset muscle soreness if done at threshold, be prepared to feel it as we come around to Wendesday).